Expense Growth Relative to Revenues

Figure 3; Expenses and Selected Revenues

How Expenses Grew Relative to Revenues
Figure 3 shows that Total Expenses are increasing at a rate greater than revenues. Of all revenues, Revenue from Taxation is growing at the fastest with a rate of $914,781 per year. When we add the revenue growth rate from Taxation, to that from Fees & User Charges we get a combined growth rate of $1,271,476 per year which is just slightly less than the rate of increase for Expenses.  From this comparison, we see that it is reasonable to conclude that nearly all of the annual increases in Expenses have been routinely passed on directly to Residents.

It is also interesting to note, although revenue from government grants is steadily decreasing, at a rate of $228,800 per year, it does not account for the steady increases in Taxes.  Even when government grants were at an all-time high, taxes were still being increased by Council. It would seem that taxes are arbitrarily increasing every year independent of government grants.