Grey-Bruce Property Taxes
11:10:00 AM    Saturday, July 27, 2024

The data used to produce the above graphs from  the 2021 BMA Study which is available on the Owen Sound website. Click Here.

The tax rates for these Grey Bruce municipalities above show that one municipality stands out from all the rest - Owen Sound.  Astonishingly Owen Sound's commercial tax rates are nearly twice that of Georgian Bluffs.  This explains why businesses such as Staples chose to locate in Georgian Bluffs instead of Owen Sound. 

If you click on the next graph to the right you will see the tax rates for multi-residential. If you a renter this is what your landlord pays and passes on to you in rent increases. As you can see if you're one of the unfortunate ones to rent in Owen Sound you are likely paying a higher rent than those in Georgian Bluffs.

Owen Sound homeowners feel a similar pain from high taxes as renters as shown in the next graph. Perhaps this is why the Owen Sound population is migrating to Georgian Bluffs - to escape the high taxes. The 4th graph shows Taxes for each  $100k in assessment.  If you owned a home in Georgian Bluffs assessed at $400,000 you would pay $2,868 in property taxes. Someone who owns a similar house in Owen Sound would pay $6,460 per year for property taxes.  In other words if you live in a $400,000 home in Owen Sound and move to a similar house in Georgian Bluffs you would save $3,598 per year.

The last Graph in this series shows the average household income. As you can see the average income in Georgian Bluffs is $105,855 while the average household income in Owen Sound is only $75,861. 

The combination of taxes and income make Owen Sound the the Poorest and at the same time the Highest Taxed municipality in Grey-Bruce - quite a distinction.

To learn how Owen Sound Taxes grew so high over the years visit Feel free to join the discussion - just click the link below.

Let's Talk About Taxes